
Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy – Teaching statement: “To be a catalyst of information based upon experience, education, proven processes, student-centeredness, and the willingness to wrap the student around the necessary educational inputs, so all outcomes are at a mastered level. Insomuch, that a student’s learning style and personality are stakeholders in the learning process.
Furthermore, education is the opportunity for a learner to be engaged by a teaching system. The engagement creates inputs of construction and scaffolding that can be measured using various methods of evaluation. After analysis of the evaluation, specific designs may be developed and implemented ensuring recurring opportunities for instruction and teaching that may be recalled and reused.”

Instructional Technology focuses: A summary of my teaching philosophy is to utilize instructional technology as a vast tool that is ever-evolving and creates within it the ability and opportunity to elicit thought, create thought processes, open the avenues toward thinking so knowledge can be ingested, and then launched into new ideas and usable information. Bringing about this life-induced thinking, through facilitated intervention, is necessary and must be imparted by one who with the ability to teach in a way that creates the yearning to learn. Progressive utilization of the methods and processes available through social interactive learning, electronic media-based learning, written learning, experience, and life learning, and other methods that might very well be new and progressive but necessary to seek and implement remains a foundational fundamental of the learning experience.

Biblical Focus: Hebrews 4:12 – Sound Doctrine –> Wisdom Knowledge Learning Understanding –> Teaching Instruction

Goals: Willingness to meet the learner at the door of their learning style. Become an educational conduit

© 2004-2024 Dr. Donald G. Porter Jr.