Info About Don

Info about Don Porter


CBC License

DCF Ordination

Info about Don – I’m honored that you have taken the time to look at my site today. As I look to engage in God’s call on my life through the Pastorate or Christian Education, I am reminded that my motives must be pure. Therefore, anything associated with this search that will result in active participation in His call must be for God’s honor and glory.

Let’s begin by giving God the glory for salvation.

As a child, I was in a home riddled with alcoholism and the domestic atrocities that are a result of the devil’s brew. To make a long story short, my parents were engaged by a local Independent Baptist church in the early ’70s.

Through the chick tract promotion and the importunity of the loving members of that church, my parents were gloriously saved. As you can imagine, the abrupt and noticeable change through the work of the Holy Spirit and the power in the shed blood of Christ changed my home.

Now, as a child, an immediate witness was present and impossible to ignore. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

Furthermore, I approached my mother and told her I wanted to be saved. She took the Word of God and led me to Christ. I can take you to the very room where Christ took up residence in my life.

Regretfully, I shudder to say that I have not always been faithful, but He has because salvation is 100% a miracle wrought by the unchanging hand of God. Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

I have been in church since 1972 and have served in many positions:

Song leader, Sunday school teacher, pulpit fill, youth worker, treasurer, Jr. church preacher, distance ed college teacher, school administrator, I/T dept. lead, bus ministry, and others as the Lord gave opportunity.

I am married and we currently have 12 grandchildren in Indiana and Illinois. My wife is a teacher at a local Christian school and has an earned BSECE, A.A.S., and C.D.A. in Early Childhood Education.

Bible – the sole authority for faith and practice

“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

God gets 100% of the glory for providing us with His preserved Word through a miracle we cannot fathom. It should be the desire of every Christian to give God all the deserved accolades.

Our Lord is the designer, builder, and the One Who completes. No man gets credit for God’s Word.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Christ’s Ownership of the church – Acts 20:28
Christ’s headship over his church – Colossians 1:18
Christ’s Authority – Matthew 28:18
The Bible is the governing document of the church – Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16,17 & 2 Peter 1:20,21

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Email: Donald G. Porter, Jr.


Experienced trainer and teacher committed to facilitating the learning process, utilizing knowledge in curriculum development and instructional technology. Skilled in the following areas:

• Multi-environment teaching
• Classroom management
• Staff education and training
• Continuous quality improvement
• Implementing continuing education
• Lesson building
• Delivering curriculum assessments and implementing time-constrained courses
• Student assessment
• Individual-focused learning and recognizing achievement
• Web page building


Former Interim President of an On-line Bible School 2021-2022

Lab Tech 2018 – 2021
Ivy Tech Community College, Madison, IN

Adult Ed Teacher 2018 – 2020
River Valley Resources, Madison, IN

Adjunct Professor (temp contract) 2013
Oakland City University, IDOC, Madison, IN
• Survey of Accounting

Indiana Permitted Substitute Teacher 2009
Bartholomew County School Corporation, Columbus, IN
• Assisted in mastery outcomes for mentally challenged students in guided learning, recreational activities, tactile and visual intervention
• Guided students in disciplinary positive reinforcement
• Engaged students with multi-media presentations

Facilitator/ Teacher 2006-2007
Southern Indiana Baptist College, Dupont, IN
• Assisted with the multimedia curriculum by creating audio and written materials
• Facilitated teaching multiple courses to adult learners
• Assisted with negative accounts payable for delinquent students

Indiana Permitted Substitute Teacher 2005-2006
Jennings County School Corporation, North Vernon, IN
• Taught in a classroom for about 200 hours with various grade levels
• Taught elementary and secondary classes with a 20-30 student class size
• Implemented daily lesson plans for diverse subjects

Administrator/ Instructor 2001-2002
Butlerville Christian Academy, North Vernon, IN
• Managed and instructed K–10 students. Implemented and evaluated curriculum standards for private schools in the state of Indiana
• Maintained the path for teachers continuing education and development
• Facilitated parent communication sessions, student social activities, and fundraisers
• Fostered an open-door policy for complaints and concerns, in addition to maintaining weekly and yearly student assessment and evaluation
• Performed daily administrative duties involving tuition management, curriculum ordering, discipline application, student file maintenance, profit and loss prevention, property maintenance, working expenses, and attendance policy adherence.
• Researched and implemented a computerized reading system
• Maintained an atmosphere of individualized student performance that included self-paced success, group and personal motivation, and evaluation toward chronological grade achievement

Staff Trainer 1990-1994
Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus, IN
• Trained staff across diverse professional backgrounds on fire safety, access control, and personal safety
• Used local emergency services for practical hands-on training
• Used various visual training aides in group sessions

Military 1982-1992
Army: Military Police
Air Force: Security Forces and Aircraft Maintenance

Doctor of Ministry: 2018
School of Bible and Theological Studies, Florida Campus
Concentration: Biblical Studies and the American Founding
Dissertation: Technology, The Catalyst for Learning

Master of Education 2004
American Intercontinental University, Schaumburg, IL
• Concentration: Instructional Technology

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 1999
Trinity College & University, Metairie, LA
• Concentration: Management

• Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Blackboard, HTML, Linux

Strategic Communication, Purdue University Extension Course 2015
Jennings County High School Improvement Committee – North Vernon, IN 2005
School of Tomorrow Administrator’s Training Certificate – Lewisville, TX 2001
Front-Line Leadership, Ivy Tech State College – Columbus, IN 1994
Quality Series on Leadership, Columbus Regional Hospital – Columbus, IN 1993

Member of CUE – Computer-Using Educators
Member of CEAI – Christian Educators Association International
Member of AACS – American Association of Christian Schools



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