Tag: music

  • Primitive or Progressive

    Primitive or Progressive

    Primitive or Progressive – A friend of mine, who is now with the Lord in Heaven, understood, as do I, that the Church needs a reboot. These next few thoughts are for your admonition and opportunity to analyze and critically think about our position as the local Body of Christ. The building – Are we…

  • FundaPreference


    FundaPreference – Thought for the day Pastor, Evangelist, Preacher, Teacher If you teach your preferences, then have enough guts to tell those in your spiritual care the difference between preferences and fundamentals. -FUNDAPREFERENCES- Pastors and Evangelists come and go, but the damage poured out upon a church and those striving to learn God’s Word is…

  • Pants, Cards, and Music – Home Autonomy

    Pants, Cards, and Music – Home Autonomy

    Wow, where do I start? What’s that old saying, “clothes make the man”. There is absolutely no doubt that we judge based on how a person is dressed. There is absolutely no doubt that we, as Christians, should know how to dress. There is absolutely no doubt that judging a book by its cover may get…