Church and Corona

This is a very short post, but it contains a very important message for the local church and the coronaVirus

Are you a local church that is a “state” church or a non-state church?

– You are a state church if –

  • You have articles of incorporation from the state
  • You run your church with by-laws and a constitution
  • Use a state license to marry people
  • You accept a tax exemption
Why is it important to consider whether or not you are a state church?

This is from the governor of Indiana: Click here to read his announcement

“Non-essential gatherings must be limited to no more than 250 people. This includes any event or gathering of people who are in one room or a single space at the same time, such as cafeterias, churches, stadiums, meeting and conference rooms, auditoriums and the like. This guidance applies to professional, social, community and similar other gatherings. Detailed guidance will be posted on the Indiana State Department of Health website by the end of the day.”

Church is a non-essential gathering, according to the announcement. Furthermore, if you are a state church, you have no right to quibble about the governor’s edict. As our days on this earth prolong, the government will continue to “come home to roost” in those churches that have chosen to be a “state” church. “With shekels come shackles” Greg Dixon

Most importantly, if you are going to post-pone a church service because of corona-virus, do so because the local assembly, collectively, decides to do so! Absolutely, do not cancel services because the governor, health department, local officials, “a deacon board”, or law enforcement makes the suggestion.

Ask yourself if the Matthew 16:18 is still true: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

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