Dads and Fathers

To Be A Father

Any man can be a father
And have his children many.
But to be a dad, one would say,
He must have love aplenty.

Any man can be a father
And say those kids are mine.
But to be a dad, one would say,
He must needs present his time.

Any man can be a father
And give a dollar, maybe ten.
But to be a dad, one would say,
He must share his laughs again.

Any man can be a father
And care for his children so.
But to be a dad, one would say,
Blink, and you will miss them grow.

Any man can be a father
And hope their dreams work out.
But to be a dad, one would say,
He should rouse those dreams, no doubt.

Any man can be a father
And be there as they grow old.
But to be a dad, one would say,
Actions exceed what’s been told.

Any man can be a father
And love his priceless gems.
But to be a dad, one would say,
He’ll adore them to the end.

© 2003 Donald G. Porter, Jr.

All rights reserved. No portion of this poem may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author.






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