Divorce and Christian Service Part 9

God’s Call, Your Call, or the Church’s Call? Part 2

I fear that some evangelists, pastors, and teachers that have been called and doing the work for years and years have grasped on to the coat-tail of a high brow and well-known figure in the IFB. They feel that they have “arrived” since they have seen their call/ passion come to life. Surely, there are no others that can help perfect the saints, they may think but not say. This isn’t a blanket statement but an observation. I have been in church for a long time and know how the IFB church works…both the good and the bad.

To you who are called but being ignored by the church, 1 Thess. 5:24 “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” Praise God, that He is faithful! Here is a statement by Al Troester with which I disagree.

“Do not expect that you will be a Moses, or a Joshua, or even a Caleb, but there is still the possibility that God can use you if you make yourself available to Him.” (Troester, 2018)

Why not? Is God dead? Is God a different God from the time Moses, Joshua, and Caleb walked the earth? I expect to be a Moses, Joshua, Caleb. Mr. Troester’s statement is, indeed, a limiting construct of God’s ability.

Philippians 1:6 is still true today! “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

I am 100% local church but, over the years, I have witnessed faithful Christians being put out to pasture because of IFB churches that are stuck in a rut. That is, doing the same thing over and over, year after year. I’m not talking about compromise! I’m talking about the church growing in God’s Word and seeing that the old paths and landmarks are very important but not at the cost of forgetting the 1 because of the 99.

Dear pastor, teacher, evangelist be thankful for God’s call on your life and the opportunity you have had to fulfill that call. However, don’t forget that there are many seeking the same opportunity because of God’s call on their life. The talents and gifts of the one called in a small country church contain the same blessing and potential from God as the calls of those in the well-known churches.

These few words are in no way an endorsement to use God’s Grace as a license to do whatever we so want and then expect God to bless. These words represent an observation, to the fact, that many have experienced the steps of a prodigal, but have indeed come home!

Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Troester, A. (n.d.). What Can the Elderly Do? Retrieved February 08, 2018, from https://www.wholesomewords.org/etexts/troester/elderly.html



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