I Can Do

Philippians 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

The Lord’s leading in my life is a level of accountability to and for Him. The Word of God is a treasure to me and overflowing in many aspects of my life. The burning of His Word and the yearning to proclaim is a gift from God and to Him be the glory.

Whether God wants me to be a Pastor, teacher, or evangelist is yet to be fulfilled. However, I am available to meet with a church needing a Pastor, a college needing a teacher, or a church with a desire to send an evangelist.

The Lord may want a new church plant and I am available and praying for His leading.

Please pray for me as I seek to increase my faith and skirt the distracting opinions of man. Romans 11:29
“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”



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