Sexual Misconduct Allegations Running Rampant

If you’ve been, even minimally, engaged in the news you’ve been privileged to ingest one or more of the exhausting sexual allegations claims from various women.

As these allegations started rolling in faster than tweets from President Trump (love those tweets by the way) the first question I had was, “Are these true? If so, why now?”

I can’t help but think that these women who are, indeed, politically motivated must have enjoyed the alleged harassment years ago or something would have been said then. Surely, if bodily harm, assault, or battery was experienced then allegations could have been made at that time? Ok, ok…they feared for their job, career, blah blah blah….I don’t buy it! I see agreed enjoyment as an intentional decision to, indeed, enhance the job or career.

Don’t cry foul after the game has ended. Pick yourself up without the aid of another and then cry foul when it is appropriate. We need to be wise to the truth that some of these allegations may be true but that leftist conspirators aren’t known for their honesty.

So, do your own research and don’t fall victim to the propaganda of the left. These allegations are a sweeping attempt to deceitfully, and with pretended suffering, change the course of the right agenda that’s needed for our country.






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