Tag: society

  • If My People

    If My People

    If My People 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. I love this verse for a few reasons. First…

  • Government, Ordained by God

    Government, Ordained by God

    How Many Federal Agencies? Who knows? (maybe 400 – 500) Rest assured that we, the taxpayers, have no idea about the bureaucratic depth of our government. Yep, that’s just how the feds would like to keep it! Our government, in its purest form, includes 3 branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Government, Ordained by God –…

  • He is Merciful

    He is Merciful

    He is Merciful – Not without consequences, 2 Samuel 12 is the greatest story of discipline, repentance, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and restoration in the Bible. Read the chapter slowly and you will be filled with knowledge from the Holy Spirit with which you will have cause to strengthen yourself and another.

  • Lessons From the Pause

    Lessons From the Pause

    From a Missionary whom I highly respect and pray for – Lessons From the Pause – Ironically, we are grateful for these days of lockdown here in Baghdad. It is allowing us to get caught up on much-needed work. After many months of travel and constant movement from meeting to meeting, we are enjoying the…

  • Lab Rats

    Lab Rats

    Lab Rats – I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important. If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across…

  • Failure


    Failure – From a dear friend that has gone Home to be with the Lord! Are you a failure? Failure Doesn’t Mean You Are a Failure Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure—it does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing—it does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn’t mean…

  • The ole vaccine

    The ole vaccine

    The ole vaccine – According to the government the Covid19 vaccine… The ole vaccine • does not provide immunity • does not eliminate the virus • does not guarantee you won’t get it • does not stop you from passing it on to others • does not eliminate the need for travel bans • does…

  • Christianity Feared, How Stupid

    Christianity Feared, How Stupid

    Christianity Feared – I’ve had to ask myself, over the past year, where are the intelligent people? Vanished! Christianity Feared- In February I explained the many reasons that the Oligarchs fear Christianity. Their attacks on Christians started shortly after the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6th. Suddenly Christian Nationalism was a “threat…

  • Pastor, a Head?

    Pastor, a Head?

    Pastor, a head? Spiritual food for thought, to grow thereby – it’s imperative to break away from the “denominational” status quo. Think about these things Be careful about authority in the Bible: Christ is the Head of the Church and the husband is the head of the home. (Head – same word for both positions)…

  • Equally Worthless

    Equally Worthless

    Equally Worthless – Romans 14:12  “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Because we are responsible for our decisions and the outcomes so associated, we are, therefore, accountable for those decisions and outcomes. There are those with the mindset that how they were raised, the generation they grew up…