Jesus — The Cross

The greatest expression of love for all eternity is the death of Jesus, our Saviour, upon the Cross of Calvary.

He loved His Father, the Lost, and the Brethren.

  • Our Lord had a delight to do the Father’s Will – Psalm 40:8, John 6:38
  • Our Lord had a devotion for a lost world – Matthew 23:37
  • Our Lord had a desire to give Victory to God’s people over sin – Revelation 12:11
  • Our Lord had a determination to bring many souls to Glory – Hebrews 2:9, 10

Do I delight in the Law of the Lord? Am I as devoted as I should be? Do I long for and possess the desire to be victorious? Am I determined to do whatever it takes to please God?

Friends, we love Him because He first loved us! Because of that, my love for the lost and the brethren must be evident and acted upon.

Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”



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