Author: DonP

  • Baptists–Same or Different

    Baptists–Same or Different

    Same or different — While researching a topic, I ran across some thoughts about the IFB church that rang loudly within my being. This isn’t a ringing of something exciting and new but of remembrance and concern. The IFB church is not a denomination, as we’d agree. The IFB church is an autonomous, local, and…

  • FundaPreference


    FundaPreference – Thought for the day Pastor, Evangelist, Preacher, Teacher If you teach your preferences, then have enough guts to tell those in your spiritual care the difference between preferences and fundamentals. -FUNDAPREFERENCES- Pastors and Evangelists come and go, but the damage poured out upon a church and those striving to learn God’s Word is…

  • Spiritual Separation or Preference

    Spiritual Separation or Preference

    Spiritual Separation or Preference? It is of great concern that our churches are filled with preaching based on preference. That is, a pastor, deacon, evangelist, or teacher may interfere with the autonomy of a home by pushing their preference instead of what is clearly supported by God’s Word. Furthermore, the personal preferences of a church…

  • Census


    The ole’ census is upon us – Census as defined by Websters “In the United States of America, an-enumeration of the inhabitants of all the States, taken by order of the Congress, to furnish the rule of apportioning the representation among the States, and the number of representatives to which each State is entitled…

  • Mature Christians

    Mature Christians

    Maturity isn’t perfection but the realization of imperfection Mature Christians – “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”  1 Corinthians 13:11 Mature Christians Should:   Manifest a forgiving spirit:  Ephesians 4:32…

  • Such As Keep

    Such As Keep

    Such As Keep – Sometimes as Christians we overlook the obvious in God’s Word, as this allows us to protect what we “think we know.” However, the phrase in Psalm 25:10 “unto such as keep” was raised up from the page by the Holy Spirit. The whole verse says this, “All the paths of the LORD [are]…

  • Us 4 And No More

    Us 4 And No More

    One of the phrases I heard as a kid was “us four and no more.”

  • IFB and Divorce

    IFB and Divorce

    IFB and Divorce – I hate to beat a dead horse, but this is worthy of brief attention. Firing with a shotgun here, not a rifle If the shoe fits, wear it The post at mentions the IFB and divorce. Although the author claims atheism, one of his statements allow for the necessary chastisement…

  • 613 Commandments

    613 Commandments

    613 Commandments – I don’t have the 613 OT commandments memorized; do you? 613 OT Commandments 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” Matthew 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the…

  • Serve While Waiting

    Serve While Waiting

    Noah– waited 120 years before the predicted rains arrived. Abraham waited 25 years for a promised son. Joseph– waited 14 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Job– waited perhaps a lifetime, 60-70 years, for God’s justice. God prepares leaders in a slow cooker, not in a microwave oven. More important than the…