Go Europe

Go Europe – Europeans understand real oppression and are reacting appropriately – I say, smack around your government – GO EUROPE!

#USA a country full of pathetic pansies – We have NO backbone while praying to the gods of social distancing and masks! #nomasks #nosocialdistancing #datachallenged #factschallenged #statschallenged

Good job citizens of #europe

Tens of thousands of Germans marched through #Berlin on Saturday, proclaiming a “Day of Freedom” and demanding an end to government-mandated face masks and “social distancing.” The #UK and #Netherlands also saw large protests against their governments’ tyrannical actions in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

According to media accounts, the Berlin protesters held signs reading, “We are being forced to wear a muzzle,” and “Natural defense instead of vaccination.”

“We are making noise because you are stealing our freedom!”

Europeans Rise Up Against Lockdowns



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