Tag: USA

  • Spiritual Missile

    Spiritual Missile

    Spiritual Missile – During his state of the nation address early Tuesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin fired a spiritual missile at the United States. American corporate media framed the 100-minute speech as a defensive rant justifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and threatening nuclear war against the West. That all may be true. But that’s…

  • If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t

    If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t

    If pastors and evangelists won’t sound the battle cry against the government and scream out as a much-needed watchman, then those outside the church will. If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t Pastors, Deacons, Church, Evangelists – attempt to divorce yourself from the porous protection and temporary benefits afforded by 501(c)(3). Do you even believe “and the…

  • Failure


    Failure – From a dear friend that has gone Home to be with the Lord! Are you a failure? Failure Doesn’t Mean You Are a Failure Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure—it does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing—it does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn’t mean…

  • Christians Reject the USA

    Christians Reject the USA

    Christians reject the USA – PLEASE, watch this video – Donald Trump’s Bible Dear Christian, no matter how you spin your political, societal, spiritual, or worldview – we failed God. We failed to preserve and protect the gift God bestowed upon us the #USA We have dealt our children and grandchildren a losing hand, save the…

  • Obey Them?

    Obey Them?

    Christian, don’t be confused about “obey them that have the rule over you” as mentioned in God’s Word. It is preached out of context in many of our churches. It is preached by hardline 501C3 and ultra-pro tax-exempt churches to rouse a hearty “amen” from the congregation. These same churches aim to please, cooperate, and…

  • Go Europe

    Go Europe

    Go Europe – Europeans understand real oppression and are reacting appropriately – I say, smack around your government – GO EUROPE! #USA a country full of pathetic pansies – We have NO backbone while praying to the gods of social distancing and masks! #nomasks #nosocialdistancing #datachallenged #factschallenged #statschallenged Good job citizens of #europe Tens of…

  • Why the USA is Failing — Fault of Christians

    Why the USA is Failing — Fault of Christians

    I believe whole heartily that God’s Word can stand on its own without our meager attempts to defend It. The Bible (KJV – King Jesus Version), takes our poor attempts at the exposition and performs a work despite our self-proclamation of achievement.  Thus, the USA is faltering because failure is commonplace and acceptable for the…

  • NFL — Negligent Fools League

    My intent isn’t to dive into a big rant about the Negligent Fools League (NFL) so will see how this goes.    Let’s start out with a video clip from the UK during a recent game: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dv5tSA-Z0g?feature=player_embedded] This short blog is to intentionally be redundant and to intentionally call the participants fools. The Bible says, in…