Spiritual Missile

Spiritual Missile – During his state of the nation address early Tuesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin fired a spiritual missile at the United States.

American corporate media framed the 100-minute speech as a defensive rant justifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and threatening nuclear war against the West.

That all may be true. But that’s not what I heard. Nuclear missiles don’t scare me. Spiritual missiles do. What Putin said about Western civilization and America spooked me. It caused me to rethink the agenda behind the Russia hoax, the debunked left-wing conspiracy theory that alleged former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.

Corporate media desperately wants us to believe Trump and Putin are disciples of Satan, the worst international leaders to walk the planet since Adolf Hitler. After yesterday’s speech, I now understand why Putin is dangerous.

Read all of the article here: https://www.theblaze.com/fearless/oped/whitlock-vladimir-putins-spiritual-missile-damns-america



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