Qualified Or To Be Qualified

No matter what excuse you bring to God as to why you cannot be used by Him, the answer is always the same—I’ll be with you. God, I’m too weak morally, spiritually, physically. I’ll be with you. God, I have no skills or talents—I’m totally unqualified. I’ll be with you. God, I’m not smart and I never did good in school. I’ve never met a test I could not bomb. I’ll be with you. God, I’m not a brave person. I am not bold. I’m a total introvert who makes everything awkward. I’ll be with you. God, I am totally overwhelmed and tired. I’ll be with you. God, I don’t know if I can handle it. I’ll be with you. God, I am totally unqualified! I’ll be with you. He does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called. 

(n.d.). Retrieved March 05, 2018, from http://www.judwilhite.com/blog/2018/1/18/lj2aazt61vdh58q9jtgmddf5v2dvls






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