Tag: Church

  • Great Faith

    Great Faith

    From a family that I admire greatly! Great Faith – This is the first time since Daddy’s homegoing that I have taken the opportunity to write the email. As I sat down to write, my mind went back to the last couple of times I wrote the email before Daddy went to Heaven. In one…

  • Ye Which are Spiritual

    Ye Which are Spiritual

    Ye Which are Spiritual – Our local Churches are failing Galatians 6:1: positively, 100%, without doubt It’s just this simple If you don’t have the spirit of restoration, you are not Christian Webster’s 1828: Restoration – The act of replacing in a former state. Renewal; revival; re-establishment, Recovery from a lapse or any bad state…

  • The Total Package

    The Total Package

    The Total Package – Christian, have you ever considered this? We’ve heard these verses over and over: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” and “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the…

  • He is Merciful

    He is Merciful

    He is Merciful – Not without consequences, 2 Samuel 12 is the greatest story of discipline, repentance, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and restoration in the Bible. Read the chapter slowly and you will be filled with knowledge from the Holy Spirit with which you will have cause to strengthen yourself and another.

  • 501(c)3 Information

    501(c)3 Information

    501(c)3 Information – Good reading 501c3 ROMANS CHAPTER 13: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO IS THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY? SHOULD WE RESIST GOVERNMENT Romans 13 Heresy Refuted Church & StateRomans 13

  • Denied not Revived

    Denied not Revived

    Denied not Revived – The importance of Galatians 6:1 “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Looks like we all fall into one of those categories from time to time, faults and spirituality.…

  • The Christian’s Relation To the World

    The Christian’s Relation To the World

    The Christian’s Relation To The World Born into the world (John 16:21) Given out of the world (John 17:6) Delivered from the world (Galatians 1:4) Crucified to the world (Galatians 6:14) Not of the world (John 17:6) A stranger in the world (1 John 3:2) Hated by the world (John 17:14)

  • Vigorously Oppose

    Vigorously Oppose

    Vigorously Oppose Vaccine Mandates a Danger to Small Business – A Christian Concern

  • If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t

    If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t

    If pastors and evangelists won’t sound the battle cry against the government and scream out as a much-needed watchman, then those outside the church will. If Pastors and Evangelists Won’t Pastors, Deacons, Church, Evangelists – attempt to divorce yourself from the porous protection and temporary benefits afforded by 501(c)(3). Do you even believe “and the…

  • Sinners Watching Sinners

    Sinners Watching Sinners

    Sinners Watching Sinners – R.C. Sproul – ooooh, this the truth! Sinful men holding back sinful men Seems that many Christians, Pastors, and Deacon boards want empty pews “The greatest weakness in the church today is that the servants of God keep looking over their shoulder for the approval of men.” R.C. Sproul