
Great Faith

From a family that I admire greatly!

Great Faith – This is the first time since Daddy’s homegoing that I have taken the opportunity to write the email. As I sat down to write, my mind went back to the last couple of times I wrote the email before Daddy went to Heaven. In one issue written late in August 2022, I spoke of how the Lord was using the turmoil in **** to teach me how He uses storms in my life to bring me closer to Himself. Little did I know that just two months later, God would lead me through the biggest storm He would ask me to go through thus far. One verse that I quoted in that email was Isaiah 43:2 – “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” These words that God spoke to the nation of Israel have been an even greater source of comfort to me through these stormy waters. I look at the past six months; and, yes, there have been many tough days — days filled with questions, days of sadness, days filled with an immense feeling of loss. But even through those days, God has been right there carrying me and holding me up when I could never hold myself up. He truly has been a “Father to the fatherless.” He is guiding me and teaching me to look to Him. Never once, as He promised, has He allowed me to drown in the swelling ocean waves and raging river currents.

People may wonder, “How does God keep one from being overwhelmed by a great trial? How does He give someone comfort and peace when it is needed?” May I share how the Lord is helping me? Often God uses His Word to bring me comfort. When I need it the most, I will “happen” upon an encouraging verse in my devotional time that I claim for that day. God has also given me songs that honor Him to help me through this storm. When I sing praises and hymns back to the One Who allowed this storm to come, peace washes over me. I am encouraged to know that God delights in the songs of a broken heart. The kind words and letters of people who have prayed for us and stood by us through this time have also challenged and uplifted me to continue following Jesus. The only way that I can face each new day is by knowing that God is ever present and will give me the strength that I need for that day. As Hebrews 13:5 promises, “He will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Jesus does and will continue to watch over me as He always has, and I can rest in that.

“I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!” – Isobel Kuhn (Missionary to China and Thailand)







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