Tag: family

  • Be Careful of What Man Teaches

    Be Careful of What Man Teaches

    Be careful of what man teaches, for you may tend to please that man. I’ve learned the hard way and have seen the results of misplaced followership to the pulpit. Men, strive to be like Christ, as the head of your home. This word “head” is the same as used when referring to Christ. Here…

  • Great Faith

    Great Faith

    From a family that I admire greatly! Great Faith – This is the first time since Daddy’s homegoing that I have taken the opportunity to write the email. As I sat down to write, my mind went back to the last couple of times I wrote the email before Daddy went to Heaven. In one…

  • Government, Ordained by God

    Government, Ordained by God

    How Many Federal Agencies? Who knows? (maybe 400 – 500) Rest assured that we, the taxpayers, have no idea about the bureaucratic depth of our government. Yep, that’s just how the feds would like to keep it! Our government, in its purest form, includes 3 branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Government, Ordained by God –…

  • The Christian’s Relation To the World

    The Christian’s Relation To the World

    The Christian’s Relation To The World Born into the world (John 16:21) Given out of the world (John 17:6) Delivered from the world (Galatians 1:4) Crucified to the world (Galatians 6:14) Not of the world (John 17:6) A stranger in the world (1 John 3:2) Hated by the world (John 17:14)

  • Rethinking Church

    Rethinking Church

    Rethinking Church – Message by Dr. Ed DeVries

  • Pastors and Sheep

    Pastors and Sheep

    Pastors and Sheep – I’ve heard over most of my church attendance life about how stupid sheep are, maybe that’s the problem in our churches – Pastors believe that the sheep are stupid and can’t traverse spirituality without them! Frankly, the sheep are spiritually adaptable – they will follow the one who provides safety, sustenance…

  • Wife and Mother

    Wife and Mother

    Wife and Mother – Have you ever considered the following about a wife and mother? The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” Not so of the husband The Bible also expounds about a wife in Proverbs 31:10-31 Not so of the husband Muse upon…

  • Corrupt Roots

    Corrupt Roots

    Corrupt roots – Without a valid and trustworthy election process, which represents an autonomous and free-thinking citizen, the individual rights and autonomous pilgrimage of our offspring to come, faces decimation. #election #citizen Matthew 7:18 “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

  • Equally Worthless

    Equally Worthless

    Equally Worthless – Romans 14:12  “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Because we are responsible for our decisions and the outcomes so associated, we are, therefore, accountable for those decisions and outcomes. There are those with the mindset that how they were raised, the generation they grew up…

  • White House Clown

    White House Clown

    White House Clown – The clown in the White House just brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce. The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower. The clown in the…