Ye Which are Spiritual

Ye Which are Spiritual – Our local Churches are failing Galatians 6:1: positively, 100%, without doubt

It’s just this simple

If you don’t have the spirit of restoration, you are not Christian

Webster’s 1828: Restoration – The act of replacing in a former state. Renewal; revival; re-establishment, Recovery from a lapse or any bad state

If you are spiritual you will restore, have meekness and consider thyself

Do you lack meekness? You are not spiritual, you are selfish, and missing the opportunity to restore

Without spirituality, you are not meek, you are selfish and missing the opportunity to restore

Do you lack the desire to restore? You are not spiritual, you are selfish, and lack meekness


Listen to my friend, Ed DeVries, now in Heaven Ye That Are Spiritual Restore



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