Tag: divorce

  • Pastor and Authority Compilations

    Pastor and Authority Compilations

    Pastor and Authority Compilations – The articles of incorporation, by-laws, and local church constitution have become the founding docs over the Bible. Thus saith the Lord is our guide. Comparison: any law that isn’t vetted through the Constitution isn’t legal, so any standard imposed by a church should have support from the Bible. That is…

  • Ye Which are Spiritual

    Ye Which are Spiritual

    Ye Which are Spiritual – Our local Churches are failing Galatians 6:1: positively, 100%, without doubt It’s just this simple If you don’t have the spirit of restoration, you are not Christian Webster’s 1828: Restoration – The act of replacing in a former state. Renewal; revival; re-establishment, Recovery from a lapse or any bad state…

  • Great Witness

    Great Witness

    Great Witness – One of the greatest witnesses in the Bible is the woman in John chapter 4. Taking up at verse 16: 16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:…

  • The IFB To-Do List

    The IFB To-Do List

    The IFB To-Do List Here are a few things to consider about the Independent Baptist Church – Why, because we keep making the same mistakes over and over! By the way, the list below is a cry, not a laugh! I am not going to expound on the list because you will recognize the problems…

  • Qualifications or Attributes

    Qualifications or Attributes

    Keep this in mind before proceeding: 1 Timothy 1:12 “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” This verse removes the opinion of man and the unbiblical ordination council. Qualifications or Attributes and Characteristics – I have been in church since…

  • Wife and Mother

    Wife and Mother

    Wife and Mother – Have you ever considered the following about a wife and mother? The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” Not so of the husband The Bible also expounds about a wife in Proverbs 31:10-31 Not so of the husband Muse upon…

  • Self-righteousness and Grace

    Self-righteousness and Grace

    Self-righteousness and Grace – A few years ago I was talking to a Pastor about divorce and the Pastorate. It’s important to note that most Baptists know very little about divorce. -Self-righteousness and Grace- Anyway, I asked him if a man that was divorced before Salvation would be “qualified” to Pastor after Salvation. Before going…

  • One Wife

    One Wife

    One Wife – 1 Timothy 3:2 “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;“ This verse has been a hotbed of discussion since I was a lad. Why is that? The reason is simple — Line up 10 Pastors and they…

  • IFB and Divorce

    IFB and Divorce

    IFB and Divorce – I hate to beat a dead horse, but this is worthy of brief attention. Firing with a shotgun here, not a rifle If the shoe fits, wear it The post at https://brucegerencser.net/2015/03/cindy-schaap-daughter-of-jack-hyles-divorces-convicted-felon-jack-schaap/ mentions the IFB and divorce. Although the author claims atheism, one of his statements allow for the necessary chastisement…

  • Illegitimate Doctrine

    Illegitimate Doctrine

    2 Timothy 2:15 advises that we should study to show ourselves approved. Personal responsibility to God’s Word must be the focus, so our feet will be well lit by the Lamp! – Illegitimate Doctrine For example, why do churches, Pastors, deacons, missionaries, teachers, and other lay people continue to scoff at the call on a…