Tag: Government

  • Lessons From the Pause

    Lessons From the Pause

    From a Missionary whom I highly respect and pray for – Lessons From the Pause – Ironically, we are grateful for these days of lockdown here in Baghdad. It is allowing us to get caught up on much-needed work. After many months of travel and constant movement from meeting to meeting, we are enjoying the…

  • Lab Rats

    Lab Rats

    Lab Rats – I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine. WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important. If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across…

  • Pastor, a Head?

    Pastor, a Head?

    Pastor, a head? Spiritual food for thought, to grow thereby – it’s imperative to break away from the “denominational” status quo. Think about these things Be careful about authority in the Bible: Christ is the Head of the Church and the husband is the head of the home. (Head – same word for both positions)…

  • White House Clown

    White House Clown

    White House Clown – The clown in the White House just brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce. The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower. The clown in the…

  • Preach


    Preach – It’s extremely important that our churches understand this point: You cannot hide behind your tax exemption and 501c3 as protection for speaking out against the government. Therefore, as a Pastor, I will preach about the home, church, and the government. In addition, I will tell the church who the political threats are, and…

  • New Book

    New Book

    New Ebook: Facebook link

  • New Book — Jurisdiction

    With the help of ContendBooks, my book will soon be ready. The book is a succinct and bite-sized look at the 3 institutions given to us by God. My prayer: that your thoughts will be provoked, you will be challenged, and others will learn from the micro approach. Take this resource and build upon it…

  • Good Can Do

    Good Can Do

    “School reflects the best and the worst of what is in our society.”

  • We Need Pity

    We Need Pity

    Psalm 103:13-14  Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.  For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. Psalm 7:11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

  • Think for Myself

    Think for Myself

    Think for Myself: There are three jurisdictions highlighted in the Bible: Home Government Church These three entities have a Divine order, and when utilized properly, decency and order are the rules, not the exceptions. Some obvious exclusions from the pecking order are boards, committees, directors, deacons, and other Christians who carry a desire to lord…