The Church Constitution

–Thought for the day — however simple!–

Isn’t it interesting that churches use the Constitution and bylaws to run the church? Incorporation is more like being in cahoots with the state — be careful! With shekels come shackles. The government giveth, and the government can take away.

By the way, all this in the name of autonomy and self-governance. Why is it necessary to use imperfect documents to guide a building full of imperfect people? Seems the Perfect Law of Liberty is well sufficient.

Depending on who’s in the pulpit or in the pews will make a huge difference on what the Constitution and bylaws say (preferential organization). Those imperfect documents will change from time to time, but God’s Word, the Perfect Law of Liberty won’t change. Time to get it together Church. God’s Word and the church are living and alive, so the church should be empowered by God’s Word.

Isn’t it interesting that churches use the Constitution and bylaws to run the church? With shekels come shackles.



One response to “The Church Constitution”

  1. Don Porter Avatar

    Wonder if churches believe this verse? Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

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