Victory Through Grace

Read these verses about Grace!
Some examples in God’s Word that should ring with excitement in your soul! Victory through Grace
  • The prodigal son – victory through grace
  • The woman at the well – victory through grace
  • The woman caught in adultery – victory through grace
  • The woman with the issue of blood – victory through grace
  • The blind man – victory through grace
  • The beggar – victory through grace
  • The lame man – victory through grace
  • The thief on the cross – victory through grace
  • Noah who got drunk – victory through grace
  • Abraham who lied about his wife – victory through grace
  • Jacob the deceiver – victory through grace
  • Moses the murderer – victory through grace
  • Saul who had a séance with a witch – victory through grace
  • Rahab the harlot – victory through grace
  • Samson the lustful – victory through grace
  • David the adulterous murderer – victory through grace
  • Saul (Paul) persecutor of the church – victory through grace
  • Peter who denied Christ – victory through grace
  • To the lost all around us – victory through grace
  • The sin you and I play with – victory through grace
  • To the Christian with exposed sin – victory through grace
  • To the Christian who has hidden sin – victory through grace

This fact of grace in God’s Word and the truths written are inexhaustible. Why? Because the Grace we experience is everlasting and eternally birthed by an Everlasting and Eternal God through Jesus Christ.

How unfit I am to experience the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. I frequently ask myself, why? I can’t understand the Grace of God but do accept it and believe it by faith. Weary soldier burdened by the fight, there is victory through Grace!



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