Tag: socialism

  • Public Ed

    Public Ed

    Public Ed – PUBLIC EDUCATION: Many parents think of the public-school teachers as their especially trained representatives in educating their children. That is not at all how the educational establishment thinks of itself. They see themselves as a special class of sacred priests whose job it is to train children in the principles of liberalism…

  • Schools and Familial Destruction

    Schools and Familial Destruction

    Schools and Familial Destruction – No doubt, the approaches, and constructs with “covid” are a one-sided directive. Simply, those who don’t “buy in” to the implementation of controlled restrictions are deemed an outcast and unlearned – nothing could be further from the truth. Frankly, those who are the key players in the destruction of our…

  • Obey Them?

    Obey Them?

    Christian, don’t be confused about “obey them that have the rule over you” as mentioned in God’s Word. It is preached out of context in many of our churches. It is preached by hardline 501C3 and ultra-pro tax-exempt churches to rouse a hearty “amen” from the congregation. These same churches aim to please, cooperate, and…